Saturday, December 3, 2016

Making Pumpkins

Carved Pumpkins
Updates don't happen often here, work is taking up all my time basically. But I found some inspiration and a drive to make these pumpkins even though Halloween had just passed. But better late than never.

I don't have many in progress picture for this project, as it felt so easy to do and I kind of forgot. I hope my explanations won't be too confusing without the aid of pictures.

The rather messy mesh before smoothing the surface
For the modelling I started out with a normal sphere that I extruded every second panel to get the shape of a basic pumpkins. To further get the shape I used a FFD-modifier.

Once satisfied with the shape I used the cut tool to carve the faces, also using I reference picture and working in a 2d-view. It was a lot of work cleaning up afterwards and getting a nice topology that wouldn't look weird with smooth on top.

I made the stem the same way as the base shape was made on the pumpkins. Using a cylinder, extruding every second row and using and FFD-modifier to make the shape more uneven.
This was just a very short and easy project, made mostly because it was fun and to update my website with. I do have tons of half finished projects, so it was nice to actually just complete something for once.


In postproduction I spent lots of times refining the masks from VRay-Material-ID. I never find them to make perfect masks and should probably do some research out on the Internet to see how to get good masks to work with, since the postproductionen for this picture shouldn't have taken me more than an hour or two. 

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